Telemet Orion provides a quick and easy way to allow multiple Orion users to share centrally located Ticker Lists. You can use Orion’s Central Lists feature to give all users access to the same model or approved List of tickers without each of them having to maintain the List themselves.
To set up Central Lists please use the following steps:
1) Create a location on a shared network drive that will contain the Telemet Orion List files to be shared. There is no restriction on the location or the folder name that you may choose. Example: P:\Telemet Central Lists
2) The person who is responsible for maintaining the shared Lists will create and modify them using their normal Telemet Orion program. When they are done they will simply copy the List files to be shared from their Telemet\lists folder to the shared network folder designated in step one.
NOTE: To find a file name for a specific List, select the List in question then click on Options> List> Edit and click on the General tab
3) Orion users who wish to access the Central Lists will first need to set-up the link to the file location. From any Telemet Orion window, choose Tools > Defaults and then click on the File Loc tab. Enter the path to the shared network folder designated in step 1 into the Central Location > Lists field, and then choose OK.
NOTE: The Telemet user who maintains the shared Lists should not have the setting for the Central Location> Lists’ field. Having that setting on their workstation would cause their Orion to see two copies of the same Lists and will trigger warning messages for them
4) Close and reopen Telemet Orion. Orion will now access Lists both from the user’s personal Orion folders and the Central Lists location. Lists accessed from the Central Lists location will be read-only and cannot be modified by the user.
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